
Datesort ascending Title Document Type Document
March 27, 1998 Review of Worker Protection at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) Chemical Processing Plant (CPP) Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
March 26, 1997 Review of Actions Taken to Verify Readiness to Operate the High Level Liquid Waste Evaporator (HLLWE) and the NewWaste Calcining Facility (NWCF) at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
August 28, 1996 Handling of Spent Nuclear Fuel at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL), Trip Report for August 19-23, 1996. Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
June 28, 1996 Advanced Test Reactor Design Review Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
May 22, 1996 Review of Phase II of the Department of Energy's Operational Readiness Review of High-Level Liquid Waste Evaporator at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, April 29 - May 2, 1996. Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
April 19, 1996 Review of the Department of Energy's Operational Readiness Review of High-Level Liquid Waste Evaporator at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, April 1-4, 1996 Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
September 28, 1995 Review of Spent Nuclear Fuel Activities at Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
September 19, 1995 Chemical Processing and Safety Basis at the New Waste Calcining Facility, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho Chemical Processing Plant, Report of Site Visit, August 29-31, 1995 Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
August 29, 1995 Idaho National Engineering Laboratory - Idaho Chemical Processing Plant - Trip Report (August 8-10, 1995) Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
July 25, 1995 Tank Farm Radiological Protection, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho Chemical Processing Plant, Report of Site Visit, June 27-29, 1995 Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
