FOIA Reading Room

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) provides the public access to records maintained by the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB).  An individual can submit a FOIA request for records held or believed to be held by the DNFSB.  The FOIA requires federal agencies to provide records unless exempt from disclosure as defined in the Act.  Written requests can be submitted by mail or by e-mail.

We recommend that you submit all FOIA-related communications by e-mail. Requests can be sent to us directly at or through the National FOIA Portal at Send appeals and all general FOIA-related correspondence to us at If you have questions about a specific FOIA request or about the DNFSBā€™s FOIA program in general, contact our FOIA Public Liaison.

For additional information, please refer to the DNFSB FOIA Reference Guide below.

DNFSB FOIA Office Contacts:
Chief FOIA Officer: Toni Reddish
FOIA Public Liaison:

To Submit a Written FOIA Request:
By mail: Chief FOIA Officer
                   Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
                   625 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Suite 700
                   Washington, D.C. 20004
By e-mail:

For general information or questions about pending requests:
FOIA Public Liaison
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
625 Independence Avenue, N.W., Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20004
Telephone: (202) 694-7000
(Toll Free): (800) 788-4016

Documents generated by or on behalf of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board in the course of discharging its statutory duties can be accessed from its home page at  Those materials include, among other things, correspondence, reports, presentations made to the Board, recommendations, speeches, testimony, and other public statements by members of the Board, and records of notational votes. 


September 1, 2015 Effective Date of Fee Schedule Update

Policy Directives that Affect the Public

111 Equal Employment Opportunity Directive and Operating Procedure

D-111.1 - Equal Employment Opportunity Program Directive 08/06/2019

OP-111.1-1 Equal Employment Opportunity Program Operating Procedure 08/15/2019

112 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Directive and Operating Procedure

D-112.1 - Reasonable Accommodation Program - Directive 04/24/2017

OP 112.1-1 Reasonable Accommodation Program - Operating Procedure  08/18/2020

260 Privacy Program Directive

D-260.2 - Privacy Program - Directive - 05/23/2017


Annual Reports

Title NIEM-XML Document
FOIA Annual Report 2023
FOIA Annual Report 2022

Frequently Requested Information

Title Document
Review of the Safety of Storing Plutonium Pits at the Pantex Plant
2009-2013 Premium/First Class Travel Reports
IMPAC Credit Card Holders Listing