Aging Infrastructure Management

Public hearing for

Board Recommendation 2020-1 addressing weaknesses in existing requirements governing aging infrastructure management and safety basis processes Board Recommendation 2020-1
Addresses issues with nuclear safety requirements, including those governing aging infrastructure more
IAEA video presentation for the public hearing on August 14, 2024. IAEA Video Presentation for Public Hearing
IAEA Director General Grossi’s video presented during public hearing on August 14, more
Department of Energy (DOE) report benchmarking aging infrastructure management. Department of Energy (DOE) Benchmarking Report on Aging Management
DOE evaluation of aging infrastructure management practices across program more
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) report establishing a regulatory cornerstone for aging infrastructure management . NRC Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL)
Report establishing a regulatory cornerstone for aging infrastructure more
DNFSB letter communicating concerns with the Department of Energy’s benchmarking report on aging infrastructure management practices Board Letter on DOE Benchmarking Report
Communicates concerns with DOE’s benchmarking effort on aging infrastructure management more
Presentations by ANS, NRC, Army Corps of Engineers, and NASA at the Public Hearing on Benchmarking Best Practices in Management of Aging Safety Infrastructure External Organization Presentations at Public Hearing
Presentations by ANS, NRC, Army Corps of Engineers, and NASA at the Public Hearing on Benchmarking Best more
