
Datesort ascending Title Document Type Document
January 30, 1995 Backup Power Supply Systems, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory - Idaho Chemical Processing Plant, Report of Site Visit, November 30 - December 1, 1994 Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
January 17, 1995 Radiological Controls and Conduct of Operations, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, High Level Waste Tank Farm Replacement Project, Report of Site Visit, November 30 December 2, 1994 Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
October 12, 1994 Electrical and Fire Protection Systems, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL), Idaho Chemical Processing Plant (ICPP), CPP-603 and CPP-666 Fuel Basins, Report of Site Visit, July 27-28, 1994 Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
September 26, 1994 Draft Department of Energy Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) DNFSB Staff Comments Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
September 16, 1994 Tritium Testing and Safety Analyses, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Advanced Test Reactor, Report of Site Visit, August 30-September 1, 1994 Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
September 15, 1994 Report on Review of Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Facility Representatives Program Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
September 15, 1994 Sitewide Training and Qualification Review at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL), July 11-15, 1994 Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
September 13, 1994 Trip Report - Review of Transuranic and Low-Level Waste Management at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, August 1-4, 1994 Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
August 22, 1994 Idaho National Engineering Laboratory - Structural and Seismic Review of CPP-603 Spent Fuel Storage Basins Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
August 2, 1994 Fire Protection Program and Features, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Radioactive Waste Management Complex Report of Site Visit, May 18, 1994 Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
