
Datesort descending Title Document Type Document
July 1, 2010 Strengthening DOE Standard 1066 and incorporating additional guidance related to Fire Protection Systems Letter PDF iconPDF
July 2, 2010 DOE Letter Describing Current Actions Underway to Address Concerns Stated in a May 12, 2010 Board Letter Regarding HPAV Design and Implementation of Safety Criteria Letter PDF iconPDF
July 2, 2010 DOE Letter Requesting a 45-Day Extension to Respond to the Board Letter on the Review of QA Aspects of HPAV Test Programs for the WTP Letter PDF iconPDF
July 12, 2010 Board Update on Sandia National Laboratory Collocated Storage Holes and Mixed Waste Landfill Letter PDF iconPDF
July 14, 2010 Board Forwards Citizen Action New Mexico Document "Before the Defense Nuclear Facility Safety Board Citizen Action New Mexico Presentation" on Annular Core Research Reactor at SNL Letter PDF iconPDF
July 14, 2010 Board Forwards Citizen Action New Mexico Document "Before the Defense Nuclear Facility Safety Board Citizen Action New Mexico Presentation" on Annular Core Research Reactor at SNL Letter PDF iconPDF
July 14, 2010 Board Forwards Citizen Action New Mexico Document "Before the Defense Nuclear Facility Safety Board Citizen Action New Mexico Presentation" on Annular Core Research Reactor at SNL Letter PDF iconPDF
July 14, 2010 Board Forwards Citizen Action New Mexico Document "Before the Defense Nuclear Facility Safety Board Citizen Action New Mexico Presentation" on Annular Core Research Reactor at SNL Letter PDF iconPDF
July 16, 2010 Hydrogen in Pipes and Ancillary Vessels (HPAV) Independent Review Team (HIRT) Letter PDF iconPDF
July 16, 2010 Recognition of Mr. Michael J. McAnulty of the Idaho Operations Office - Honored with 2009 Department of Energy (DOE) Safety System Oversight Annual Award Letter PDF iconPDF
